
Fist Ball
_6 to 30 or more players._ _Playground; gymnasium; parlo...

Pricking Pictures
Pictures can also be pricked with a pin, but in this case som...

Blowing The Candle
Place a lighted candle on a table at the end of a room. Invit...

Wild Rabbits
Of all rabbits the brightest and most intelligent, as a pet, ...

All the players sit in a ring, except one, who stands in the ...

I Sell My Bat I Sell My Ball
A ring is formed with one child in the middle, who is called ...

Lag Out Or Knock Out
This game is played by throwing a marble against the wall, wh...

Guinea-pigs need treatment and housing similar to rabbits. ...


Wall Ball Drill
_2 to 10 players._ _Out of doors; gymnasium._ _Hand ball._ This drill consists in throwing a ball against a wall, and catching it, with the following variations. It may be used for individu...

Circle Zigzag
_12 to 60 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Basket ball; hand ball; bean bag._ This is a game of zigzag ball (or bean bag) between concentric circles, two balls being used, going in opposite ...

Line Zigza
I _20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Any ball; bean bag._ The players are divided into two or more groups which compete against each other. Each group is divided into two ranks, th...

Line Zigza
II _20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Any ball; bean bag._ II] In this form of zigzag ball the players are all in two ranks, which comprise two competing teams, rathe...

Line Zigza
III (Double Zigzag) _20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Any ball; bean bag._ This form of zigzag ball is a combination of the two previously described. The players a...

Zigzag Overhead Toss
_20 to 100 players._ _Playground; gymnasium; schoolroom._ _Hand ball; basket ball; bean bag._ This game is a variation of Zigzag Ball, and is more difficult and interesting for older players. The players a...